Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Pros Of Playing Video Games

Nowaday, video games are common necessity for youngster and also the adults.Through the video games we could learn a lot of technical skills on computer. Beside, it able to enhance our behaviour such as be more patience, estabilsh several new ideas on way to setup activities and etc.

People get interested in playing video games especially children it's because video games are more interesting that what write on the black and white paper such as books and newspaper. The right games are actually more advance in learning process compare to schools. In addition, children able to make repeated practise in games to learn the skills properly instead of repeated reading. Parents doesn't need worried about their children who aren't interested in enhancing their knowledge because video games able to attract children interest by the animation features.

Statistic survey on playing video games have been shown reduced
cognitive brain function to senior citizen as well. Example, they tend to challenge people to shown their confident in wining the games and collect points
to increase their levels. Moreover, the fiction video games usually are about on slove problems in order to achive the needs. This kind of games are develop to train their speeding skill by completing the tasks within the time limit correctly. Playing video games bring advantages in problem solving, planning, estimation and analysis of the moves or actions of both you and your opponent.

Furthermore, playing video games, players need to manage the resources such as the time, armor and people accordingly. This is a virtual activity but it evolves abilities of resource management and testing. Gamers learn to recognize the types of situations and react to them with determination. They learn to map the virtual world scenarios to those in the real world.

In conclusion, playing video games atcually provide more benefits compare to the weakness if it's use correctly. On the other hand, parents and gamers are require to aware on how can video games create negative impacts on a child's development also.

Written by
Ming Nar
Written by,

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