On the 20th century, cell phone is known as one of the necessity of mankind. Even thought at school, students prefer to carry their mobile phone along. But actually they are violating the school rules by using phone in the classroom.

Most of the time students are indiscipline enough in using the cell phone at any time and anywhere. For example, when teacher is giving a lesson in class, the youngster usually will play with their mobile phone instead of focus on the lesson provided. Immature students doesn't really know how to differentiate the pros and cons of a mobile phone. Therefore, principle is responsible to remind them on the “advantage and disadvantage of a mobile phone and the lesson given in schools” to make sure they pay attention on lesson which are more important.
students usually focus on the disadvantages of a mobile phone such as
playing games, sending text using inappropriate languages and etc
which a waste of time. Moreover, when there is a devise with tones
and noise in the class, it will distract students who are pay
attention on the lessons provided.
Teachers are on duty to implant the importance of knowledge and information given to the youngsters instead of focusing on a devise which unable to build even a basic character of a man. Why cell phone is needed during the lesson? It is because, the information or knowledge provided by teachers aren't useful? Even if the information provided weren't enough, students should voice out or try to get it from books like dictionary, textbooks, revision notes and etc. The world have develop but it's just for a convenient purpose and not a necessity to mankind.
For instance, teachers will divide the tasks and students will be given time to obtain all the information require from home which is why it called as homework and not instant task.
Teachers are on duty to implant the importance of knowledge and information given to the youngsters instead of focusing on a devise which unable to build even a basic character of a man. Why cell phone is needed during the lesson? It is because, the information or knowledge provided by teachers aren't useful? Even if the information provided weren't enough, students should voice out or try to get it from books like dictionary, textbooks, revision notes and etc. The world have develop but it's just for a convenient purpose and not a necessity to mankind.
For instance, teachers will divide the tasks and students will be given time to obtain all the information require from home which is why it called as homework and not instant task.
small devise in the latest version have been upgraded to internet
access. And the most famous web page is Facebook. Facebook are magic,
a social net city and everything is always there for them. Therefore,
with the mobile phone in class, everyone will be busy snapping
pictures, status updating, posting and etc with the devise. That will
cause the loss of concentrate in the classroom.
Parents is a role model for their own children. A role model should present good behaviours to their kids. They shouldn't over pampered them by providing all those convenient technology or equipment which are actually harm them. It is also able to lead them to be away from home at times when there is temptation around together with their friends. Example, stay back in school just to share around who they are with and where they are or even lied to their parents and teachers they are at school when the actual fact is they are not even around in the school compound.
Parents is a role model for their own children. A role model should present good behaviours to their kids. They shouldn't over pampered them by providing all those convenient technology or equipment which are actually harm them. It is also able to lead them to be away from home at times when there is temptation around together with their friends. Example, stay back in school just to share around who they are with and where they are or even lied to their parents and teachers they are at school when the actual fact is they are not even around in the school compound.
students with their own transport are even worst, they kept their
mobile phone in the car or motorcycle which are violating the schools
rule as well. So, parents should teach them with the proper manner
and understand their need by not punishing them for all wrong
matters. Wrong matters can be explained and teach whereas, bad
attitude are difficult to be safe.
In conclusion, based on the evaluation above, to have a cell phone just a reason, therefore, with or without it all schools will still produce excellent students. It depend on individual to determine their own future.
In conclusion, based on the evaluation above, to have a cell phone just a reason, therefore, with or without it all schools will still produce excellent students. It depend on individual to determine their own future.
Tzu Hsuan
Kuei Mei
Ming Nar
Tzu Hsuan
Kuei Mei
Ming Nar
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