Cell phones: Is
It a Necessity at School?
Principal’s opinion: 
phone is a little portable radio telephone. The mobile phone can be used to communicate
over long distances without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base
station (sometimes called a "cell") which connects it to the main
phone network. As the mobile phone moves around, if the mobile phone gets too
far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another
cell to tell the new cell to take over the call.
Mobile phone bring a lot of advantages to us
as it can be used for sending and receiving emails, text and multimedia messages, registering
contacts, used as a calculator, currency and alarm, connect Internet, playing
games, taking photos and videos. However, students are not allowed to bring it
to the school. This is because students often forget to turn their phones off
or into a silence mode. Therefore, it will disturb others students when
teachers are teaching in the class whenever the phone ring. Besides of students
cannot concentrate on studies, it will also influence teacher’s teaching mood
who are enter the class.
the other hand, cell phone can be uses as a cheating device when students are
having exam. They can send the answer through SMS to their friends or key in
those important points that can help them in the exam inside their phone. So,
the result of the students will drop gradually because by using this method
they will not study hard during their exam. Thence, the main idea of having
exam is become meaningless because the students are not work hard on it but
they try to deceive.
that, if the students bring their cell phones to school, it meant they are
giving the chance to the others student to commit a crime as the case stolen
will happen. So the burden of the school that needs to bear will be increased. This
is because the cases stolen will cumbrance the discipline teacher as the
teacher need to involve in the case to find out the murderers. Stolen is a very
bad attitude because once the student starts to steal something, the student
will easily been addicted. In addition to that, the discipline case in the
school will get worst.
As a
conclusion, students are not allowed to bring their cell phone into the classroom
so that the discipline problem in the school can be controlled. A good discipline
is very important in a school so we have to pay concern about this issue to
make sure all of the students are followed the rules.
School Teacher’s opinion:
Beginning-Cellular phones are
becoming increasingly common in high schools, middle schools and even grade
schools. Be a teacher, I feel that cell phone use in school is often considered
a problem by parents and teachers, we should prompting schools to ban cell
phone use completely. While there are several significant disadvantages to
allowing student bring cell phones to school.
First of all, using cell phones during class is very common. It doesn't matter to students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones while they are in class, they do it anyway. They often send text messages to each other and this can also distract them from their education, as well as distract the person they are texting, which is likely to be another student. Many people call this the new way of passing notes.
Beside that, students can turn their phone off, or turn it on vibrate or silence during their classes so that it does not ring and causes a disruption while they are learning. They are able to silence their phones, but most students will forget to this at least once during their high school career. When they do forget and they receive a call or text message, the whole class stops. Even if students put their phone in vibrate mode, some cell phones can still be heard. Everyone turns to look at what is causing the sudden noise and the teacher stops talking. This distracts students from their lesson and makes them have to re-focus all over again. This will make school teacher feel very feaze.
In addition, students who have their cell phone in class can use it to cheat. They can text another person and ask them the questions on the test, or the assignment they are given. This causes a problem because it can be very simple to do. Teachers pay attention to their students, but they cannot watch all of them at the same time. During a test it is easier to catch a student who is text messages, but during regular class it can be easy to miss. Cell phones enable students to cheat fairly easily.
In conclusion, many teachers and parents are worrying that some unhealthy behavior of using cell phone may occur if the students’ ability of self-control is not strong. For example, some students cannot concentrate their attention to the class because they are sending messages and playing games. Some students may feel uncomfortable if they don’t doing so. Therefore, in this kind of using phone will influence their normal study and life absolutely.
First of all, using cell phones during class is very common. It doesn't matter to students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones while they are in class, they do it anyway. They often send text messages to each other and this can also distract them from their education, as well as distract the person they are texting, which is likely to be another student. Many people call this the new way of passing notes.
Beside that, students can turn their phone off, or turn it on vibrate or silence during their classes so that it does not ring and causes a disruption while they are learning. They are able to silence their phones, but most students will forget to this at least once during their high school career. When they do forget and they receive a call or text message, the whole class stops. Even if students put their phone in vibrate mode, some cell phones can still be heard. Everyone turns to look at what is causing the sudden noise and the teacher stops talking. This distracts students from their lesson and makes them have to re-focus all over again. This will make school teacher feel very feaze.
In addition, students who have their cell phone in class can use it to cheat. They can text another person and ask them the questions on the test, or the assignment they are given. This causes a problem because it can be very simple to do. Teachers pay attention to their students, but they cannot watch all of them at the same time. During a test it is easier to catch a student who is text messages, but during regular class it can be easy to miss. Cell phones enable students to cheat fairly easily.
In conclusion, many teachers and parents are worrying that some unhealthy behavior of using cell phone may occur if the students’ ability of self-control is not strong. For example, some students cannot concentrate their attention to the class because they are sending messages and playing games. Some students may feel uncomfortable if they don’t doing so. Therefore, in this kind of using phone will influence their normal study and life absolutely.
In most high schools, the majority of the students own a cell phone. Whatever the rules are at their school about cell phones, students use them. Sometimes they are caught by their teachers, but most of the time, students get away with it. Having a cell phone at school comes with many advantages, but there are also negative things that come of it. In my opinion, I strongly disagree my children take cell phone to school.
Firstly, Cell phones can facilitate cheating on tests, quizzes, in-class essays and other assignments. For example, students in a class may silently text each other the answers. Students whose phones have Internet access may look up answers on the Internet. Students may also use the calculator function on their cell phone to compute math problems or may store information as a "cheat sheet" in their phone.
Secondly, opponents of cell phones in schools believe cell phones do not improve school safety. For example, in the event of an emergency, cell phone signals can become jammed if everyone attempts to contact people at once, which can make it difficult for teachers to contact the authorities. If students do successfully contact their parents, parents may all rush to the scene, which can conflict with evacuations or other responses. Cell phones can also facilitate the spreading of rumors during emergency situations. Cell phones are sometimes used to call in bomb threats or other threats, which students may do in order to evade a test. These calls often are untraceable. Cell phones can also be used to detonate real bombs.
In addition, banning cell phones presents the problem of enforceability. Even if a school or a certain class does not allow cell phone use, students may ignore the rules, and it can be difficult to catch cell phone users. Even if they are caught, enforcing rules takes time and creates a distraction in and of itself. Some feel it may be better to allow students that want to distract themselves with texting to do so, rather than force the entire class to wait as the tester is reprimanded by the teachers. Besides that, scientific evidence is still unclear whether there are long-term health effects from frequent cell phone use. Children are more susceptible to most environmental dangers, since they are smaller and still growing. If cell phone use does involve health dangers, allowing our children to use cell phones in schools could endanger their health.
In a nutshell, schools and other institutions inevitably change with advancing technology, such as cell phones, computers, the Internet and digital books. Schools must examine the benefits and drawbacks of allowing cell phones in school and consider the methods of enforcing their decision.
Written By,
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