Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pros Of Video Games

Gaming video or computers has positive as well as negative effects. Anything in moderation is not a problem. Parents and children need to be able to decide how much gaming is permissible and what kind of gaming. Parents must teach their children what is good and what is bad. Gaming is like any other activity in life.

    Firstly, games can help children who are ill or have injuries. Absorption in a game distracts the mind from pain and discomfort. Many hospitals are encouraging children and others undergoing painful treatments to play games. Video games can really test childrens' brains. It never hurts to give one's brain a good workout and video games do just that. A lot of the games require good hand-eye coordination and problem solving abilities. These are skills that can't be developed in a purely academic setting wherein exposure to online games and computers is not prevalent, or the exposure is minimal.

    Secondly, many medical departments are using computer games as a form of physiotherapy. Games help people who are recovery from physical injuries gain motor skills and coordination too. Playing video games typically keeps active primitive oarts of the brain that are not social nor coginitively sophisticated. So you need to balance video games play time with experiences that use these parts of the brain.

   Besides that, playing video/online games can also help make your kid learn the importance of patience - a much needed virtue. In most games, the player does not usually succeed on the first attempt, but by being patient and trying again and again, he/she eventually succeeds. This can help teach your kid that they shouldn't give up the first time, but try again and again - much the same as in real life. It would therefore teach them that they need to be patient in life as well. In that sense, playing such games can help teach them valuable life lessons. Many games also can improve language and math skills as players have to move at a great speed along with the heroes of the game. Games that require teamwork can help teach kids the benefits of cooperating with other individuals to reach a desired goal and not be selfish and self-centered.

     Finally, playing video games is not a negative activity. But you need to know when to play and when to stop. Parents should limit their children's time on playing video games and you should know how to control yourself and how to arrange your time. If you always play for longer hours will not only affect their eyes but also deteriorates their career.

Written by

Kar Sin

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