Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Cons of playing video games

  Nowadays videos game have become part of the common activities for child as well as adult.Often we  hear about issues related to the ill effects of this kind of technology, be it the excessive violence,gender stereotyping or the preference of staying indoors instead of playing outside.The negative effects may strongly harm their mind become violence.Soon,they will choose staying at home playing video games instead of going outside carry out activity with friends.Video games has bring disadvantages to the players that addicted to it.In my opinion,we will carry bad effects by playing video games.
  First and foremost, youngster addicted in video games and they do not want to go to school,do not eat properly and do not exercise enough.This could cause them body problem and health problem such as fever,headache and easy tired.Some of them play video games until midnight while the next morning,they have to go to school .Therefore,they feel sleepy and boring during lesson.In Addition,they would choose not going to school because they are powerless to study in school and that will make their result drop rapidly.
  Some people may think that video games are actually good especially among teenagers because some games need critical decision or requires the gamer to think out of the box. This encourages better decision making in a short period of time and a more functional or creative way of solving problems. However, these aspects are hidden nowadays by the distractive elements such as violence and sexual aspects. Violence is found in most of the video games like DotA (Defense of the Ancient) or Street Fighter which will ‘brain wash’ the mind of teenagers about the pros and cons of fighting. These teenagers will tend to have a mindset about fighting among friends is the best solution to all problems. This will eventually increase the cases regarding bullies in school and domestic violence. In addition, sexual aspects are also spreading like wild fire in the latest video games or online games. This will increase the intentions of the gamers towards sex especially among male gamers and thus it will increase sexual abuse or rape cases in the country.
  Video games are also known to be a serious distraction towards students. Students who are addicted to video games tend to forget or ignore their education and thus perform badly in their studies. These are caused by the various types of video games which provide excitement and satisfaction to students who faced stress in their studies. Younger generation prefers things that are fun and simple to learn compared to boring and complicated knowlegde which will only make them tensed up. The success in the game will make them proud and thus forgetting about the importance of education in their lives. This causes them to slack in their studies. 
  Therefore, video game is a threat to all generations without any limit. The older generations are supposed to be the role model to all younger generation because they do not get affected by video games in the past and thus making them successful in life. This will encourage more teenagers to stay away from the addictive video games which will only fail them in life. In conclusion, playing video games is not a good habit and should be less promoted to the authorities especially towards the teenagers to ensure a better and healthier lifestyle in the upcoming generation.  

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