Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cell Phone Abuse

Cell Phone Abuse

  Cell phones are a wonderful convenience and fun gadgets to have. However, there is still debate about whether or not they belong in schools. Consensus needs to be reached between parents, students, and educators regarding the fair use in schools. Certainly to ban them completely is to ignore some of the educational advantages of having a cell phone in the classroom. Also, there needs to be sensible communication concerning the misuses of cell phones; some uses are definitely unacceptable. So, I definitely don’t think that cell phone is necessary in school.
  First and foremost, many children have found themselves to be victims of cell phone abuse and these acts have worry their parents. . Students often use cell phones to spread rumors and misinformation. This misinformation can be difficult for the victim to digest and can be quite stressful for a young child to comprehend. This act of misinformation has resulted in the death of several children after their private information and unsubstantiated information had been spread with the use of cell phones. State and local officials have begun to develop laws that establish strong consequences for the spread of personal information. These consequences include fines, jail time and possible sex offender status.
  However, are that they have become intrusive and have taken away from our face to face connections. Just go to any restaurant and you will see entire families glued to their cell phone screens instead of interacting with one another and this acts had cause the family bond among each other to be drift apart. So, in some ways, while we have closed a gap that physical distance once created between us and other members of our global society, we have also created a new gap fostering a divide between ourselves and the people who are physically closest to us. Additionally, of course, this attention to phones has also led to traffic accidents, cheating on tests, and other forms of fraud.
    Opponents of cell phones in schools believe cell phones do not improve school safety. For example, in the event of an emergency, cell phone signals can become jammed if everyone attempts to contact people at once, which can make it difficult for teachers to contact the authorities. If students do successfully contact their parents, parents may all rush to the scene, which can conflict with evacuations or other responses. Cell phones can also facilitate the spreading of rumors during emergency situations. In addition, cell phones are sometimes used to call in bomb threats or other threats, which students may do in order to evade a test. These calls often are untraceable. Cell phones can also be used to detonate real bombs.
  In a nutshell, cell phone had brings kids many cons compare with pros. For example, cheating with cell phones has become a huge issue in many schools. Students can text answers under their desks during tests. Plus, cell phones can be very distracting from more important events in a child’s life such as studying, doing homework, or even crossing the street. As a result, the decision of using cell phones in the school totally depends on the school authorities and parents. However, the decision must be taken after the analysis of the pros and cons of the same.
Written by,
Loke See Yee L6SN1

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