Monday, August 27, 2012

Are GMO helpful or harmful? well, i think is HARMFUL

Genetically modified (gm) foods are more available nowadays, as scientists are becoming more and more inventive creating things such as mixed fruits (e.g.  orangiwi [cross between an orange and a kiwifruit] and a bannarot [cross between a banana and a carrot]).
However, this is not the only type of genetically modified foods; scientists have created plants that are immune to pesticides and herbicides when sprayed with them.
Yet, there is also a downside to this situation as there have been many cases where people have become sick from eat gm food. People can also develop allergic reactions that they didn’t know that they even had in the first place, this can be a good thing if it is a small reaction, so that the person can deal with the issue. But if it is a large reaction (like an anaphylactic reaction), this can be a very bad thing, this sort of reaction can sometimes lead to death.
The question is, whether it is harmful or helpful.
Both The United States and Canada, and many other highly developed countries have introduced genetically modified foods. This is not necessary as these countries always have a variety of different fruits available.  However, third world countries do not have this luxury and need to eat the same vegetables everyday, regardless of the season as they do not have the water and other necessities to grow crops.
The main reason for genetically modified foods being introduced is that third world countries can’t eat properly without them. There is another reason for more developed countries introducing this technology, they found that people didn’t like to eat food that doesn’t look appetising and colourful, so they found a way to get around this problem by changing their genes so that their colour changes.
Another thing that scientists have found out how to do is change the genes in chickens and other animals that we eat, to make them fatter so that they have more meat on them, or so that they are immune to diseases.
Some people may ask the question ‘who is involved with genetically modified foods’, well the answer is everyone, it is a worldwide issue. This is because there are the farmers who produce the genetically modified crops, then there are the people who are against genetically modified produce, then there are the people who couldn’t care less where there food came from and just buy the cheapest produce which happens to be genetically modified food, then there are the people who try hard not to buy genetically modified foods but unfortunately there is no way of telling between organic and genetically modified food if it isn’t visually altered. So you see there are many, many people involved, many people who have many different opinions but the problem for everyone is that manufacturers usually don’t label it when they produce genetically modified foods. This brings me to my next topic, existing solutions and possibilities for the future.
There isn’t really a solution for genetically modified foods because there are two different arguments, we should keep gm foods and we shouldn’t keep gm foods’. The current community hasn’t thought of a solution yet, but I have thought of some things that might happen in the future, if we don’t find an answer to this problem.
One thing that can happen is that there will be no organic produce left and many people will become sick because they have allergies to the things that they have put into the food. Another thing that could happen is that fruit could become almost unrecognisable, as the texture, colour taste etc. might change.
I personally believe that genetically modified foods should be banned in developed countries as it isn’t necessary because have such a variety of foods throughout the seasons without having to add more.
The reason I believe that people who live in third world countries should still have genetically modified foods is because it will help them live a better life style, as it will allow them to have food all year round that they can rely on.

Chew Kim Kee
SMK Methodist

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