Monday, June 17, 2013

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?

       As everyone know playing video games is either good or bad is still a question with arguments. A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Although some of the people especially teenagers think that playing video games is giving advantages and disadvantages .I agree with this statement that video games will give good and bad effects..
      There is also a good side of the video games. Through playing video games, you can learn to be more socialized. Some video games which are massively multiplayer online role playing game requires teams to complete a task. From that, players will befriend the other players so that they can easily form a team. Besides, in there is a chat box in the game too. All the players will have chances to interact to each other.
      Children can benefit from video games. Children with an inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence are seen to be gaining help from playing video games. Video games have also been included in the therapy for children with such psychological problems. In playing video games, a child gets a sense of participation, a sense of achievement, thus building his/her self-confidence. Children, after playing video games begin to feel excited about their lives, they start feeling positive and enthusiastic. This enables them to defeat their psychological disorders to a certain extent. A lonely child can acquire social presence after becoming a fan of video games.
      Video games and computer games are known to improve hand-eye co-ordination. A player has to watch on screen while simultaneously operating the joystick of the device in his or her hand to make moves. This requires the player to be alert and well-coordinated. Moreover, he or she can see his actions taking effect immediately, thus getting a first-hand experience of his/her actions taking effect
      There are also disadvantages of video games. Video games can also have some very important effects on family relationships, and deserve to be thought of as something that can and should to be played together. Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations.
        Playing too much video games can also slow down teenagers studies. This is probably because they do not arrange their leisure time well to complete every work they have. However, this is not only happen in teenagers but workers too, they start sitting infront of the computer access to Internet after their working hours and continue to their games. Some of the teenagers do not have a computer, so they are willing to go to the Internet's cafe and spend time but also do not want to do their homework. This same goes to the young adults.
      One of the most common health issues that is faced by most individuals, adults and children alike, addicted to playing video games is obesity. Addicted gamers often face this problem because they tend to sit in one place for a long time and hence their body practically misses out on any kind of physical activity. Being overweight may increase the risk of developing other ailments in the long run such as high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and so on.
      Playing video games for long hours at a stretch may also hamper an individual's sleep thus leading to the development of insomnia. This may further result in drowsiness and hypoactive immune system..Back pains are also commonly experienced by gaming addicts since they sit in one place and in one position for long hours. Although these might seem to be minor ailments in the beginning, they may have much deeper implications as the addiction progresses.
    In conclusion, video games bring disadvantages more than advantage. Reduce your time in playing video games will improve your work performance, health, and build up a health character.
Written By,
Vishanthini A/P Nagarajan
SMK Abdullah Munshi 

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