Thursday, June 20, 2013

Playing Video Games : Good or Bad

Nowadays, many people like playing video game especially among the kids and teenagers.Video game interesting for them it is because their want to release tension.Video game have a good and bad influence to the people.Some people given a bad opinion about the video game.There is a some of effect to the people.
            Video game is bad because waste our time.Playing video game can impact academic skill.We didn't concentrate our lesson.Kids or teenagers every hour playing a video game their not focus to their study and the end failed in exam.Influence our mind and we not focus to the homework or study.Not friends to the other kids or teenagers and didn't view the real world.Spend too much at the video game and forget about the physical activities.
            Besides that,video game also disturb our health. Every time in front video game and didn't doing our daily activities.It is become our body unhealthy because no time to care our health.Playing video game become disease example eye focus,obesity and diabetes.Video game also bad for children because they damage their eyes and nerves.t’s hard to get someI rest and enough exercise because always in front the video game.
            Moreover,video game can influence ourself to addiction our mind.Playing video game could effect other important things.Our mind hard to process information about the real world.Our relationship with the family and friend was disturbing.Video game can influence our attitudes.
            In conclusion,video game have a bad effect to the society.Playing video game not good to the body and can get a disease from it.It’s because everytime or twenty four hour spend time for the video game.Video game is waste time and we didn’t doing a some activities.Addiction of video game also make we unhealthy.

Written By
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Playing Video Games-Good or Bad
Nowadays, people especially kids love to play video games at home or cyber café. Video game is fun to play but there are some good and bad effects. 
First and foremost, video game is good because by playing video games one can become very alert. His mind will be open and he can think fast. Video games also can be used to assist in education. Studies have shown that children playing educational video games more because they do not realize that they are learning.

Besides that, video games help students to learn language skills. As they play video games, they also learn some knowledge. Not all video games are bad for children. There are many good video games where children can play and also learn.

Next, video games can help children to distress or release their tension. When they play video games, they will not be thinking of their problems. They will feel free and happy. Besides, they will be positive.  

To conclude, playing video games has many benefits. One must choose the good video games to play.

Nuraisyah Mohd Zaidi
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Today many people especially teenagers love to play video games. They love playing video games because they make them happy. So, I agree that playing video games are good for us.

First of all, when one plays a video game, he feels free from stress. There will be no more worry about the things happening in school or at home. This is also a time for them to feel free from school work and even house chores. They love to have their freedom and be happy.
Besides, playing video games can help the player to become very alert. His mind will be opened and alert . He'll be able to think and act fast.  Therefore, playing video games is good. 

In conclusion, there are many pros playing video games. The games can help the players to destress and feel happy. So, I agree that playing video game is good for us.

SMK Abdullah Munsyi

Video Games-Good or Bad

Playing video games is good. Video games can improve hand-eye co-ordination. The player will be alert and well-coordinated when he play often. Moreover, he can act immediately. Video games also can lead to an overall increase in concentration. Researchers have found that surgeons who have played video games in their life have a better time using their hands while working on patients.
               Children can benefit from video games. Video games have also been included in the therapy for children with such psychological problems. In playing video games, they feel a sense of achievement, thus building self-confidence. Children begin to feel excited about their lives and so they began to feel positive and enthusiastic. This enables them to defeat their psychological disorders to a certain extent.
               Next, video games have been known as an overall stress relief. Video games allow a sort of freedom. Playing games has been a help to many in stressful and traumatic situations. Children or teenagers will feel joyful playing video games. They do not feel worried at all and this is like an escape for them from all the troubles they faced.

               In conclusion, video games are good especially in this era. It is suitable for all ages.  

Written by.
Muhammad Farhan
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Video Games: Good or Bad
Nowadays, people especially kids love to play video games. They know that video games can make them feel happy and excited. They know they feel entertained when they play video games. There are good and bad effects playing video games. I partially agree that playing video games is good.
The pros for playing video games are releasing tension, instilling good values and helping to alert the mind. Playing video games is fun and so it makes a person feels happy and entertained. Students can even forget about their problems at school and home.
Playing video games is good as it can help students as well as teenagers or adults to be alert and stay focused. However if one become too addicted, he can become aggressive too.  This will be bad because one can become violent and his character will be changed.

Written By,
Siti Nursuhaili
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Playing Video Games-Good or Bad
In today’s science and technology era, video games has become the most favourite game among teenagers. It is because teenagers nowadays do not like to play physical or outdoor games and getting perspired. Thus, they prefer playing indoor games like video games or computer games. There are many pros about video games.

First and foremost, video game is good as it can help the mind to stay alert all the time. When someone always plays video games, his mind will be very alert as he can think fast. Solving real problems and mathematic problems will be easy like ABC.  

Besides, video games can help students to learn some good communication skills and language skills. As they play video games, they need to communicate with other players in the same game. Comprehending the instructions and other information in the video games helps players to improve their language skills.

In a nutshell, playing video games has many benefits. One can even release his or her stress while playing video games.

Mohamad Fakhri bin Abdul Manaf
Form 6
SMK Abdullah Munsyi

Video Games

Video game is a game which many children from primary schools and teenagers from secondary schools like to play. There are some benefits and negative effects  playing video games. Some of the examples of video games are games played with Player Station (PSP) or Wii.

First of all, one of the benefits is releasing tension or stress. This is because when one is involved in a video game, he feels free from stress. There will be no more worry about the things happening in school. Play is supposed to be fun and children are always happy when they play. Exactly when someone plays a video game, he forgets about his sadness and even worries. Thus, playing video games help to reduce stress.

Besides, playing video games can help the player to become very alert. He will not be passive. In other words, he can act fast and think fast. This is a good practice. So, if children always play video games, their mind will be active and alert all the time. Sometimes. It will help them to plan or strategized.  

However, if someone is always addicted to playing video games, he or she will have trouble focusing in his or her study. In the end, one might end up losing his or her focus in everything and fail in exams. In addition, one might even become obese as they become too passive sitting in front of the computer or player station. This is very bad for health too as one does not exercise enough. Worse, when someone forgets his meals and does not gain enough nutrition for the body, there will be nervous breakdown and malnutrition. Taking the right food and meal at the right time is important. Thus, addition to video games can cause health problems.

In conclusion, there are pros and cons playing video games. Parents should play their role to control their children from playing too much and become addicted. If they control them from playing violent games, the children will not be influenced by the bad elements in those games.     

Written by,
Nurul Adira
SMK Abdullah Munsyi

Monday, June 17, 2013

Playing Video Games Good or Bad ?

Nowadays ,video games are the most popular games that children and adults like to play.    Actually, playing video games can give us advantage and disadvantage. But in my opinion, I think that playing video games give many disadvantage.

First, video games might have a negative impact over personal physical health. Gamers becomes lazy because they do not exercise every day. For example they often eat only junk foods while playing, so they can become obese. When competitors spend a lot of time playing interactive games, their eyesight is damaged. As result, they might need glasses.

Secondly, playing video games also can affect the mental health of the people. Players can have a game addiction so they reduced contact with the environment. Playing electronic games loses the competitors interest in doing their daily activities such as hobbies or sport thus, they do not perform outdoor activities. Additionally, the children behavior can be affected by the excessive games because they cannot difference between real life and in game life.

Moreover, children that still in school they cannot focus in their studies. It because their spent all the time by playing video games. So, in the other day in school they feel tired and feel sleepy in class. Playing video games can affect people that still studies and people that still work.

In conclusion , many believe that video games are useless form of  entertainment that is in no way beneficial , therefore it is considered a waste of time.

 By Nurul Ashikin Rosli
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Nowadays, video games are very famous among of people, especially in among teenagers and child. The interactive games have had an amazing development in terms of image quality and variety of games. This has led to children and teenagers spend more time gaming and less time sharing with their families and friends. There are many significant disadvantages of playing video games.    

Actually there are many disadvantage playing video games than a good. Playing video games can might have a negative impact over personal physical health. Gamers become lazy because they do not exercise every day. For example, they often eat only junk foods while playing, so they can become obese. Besides that, players have weak muscles because they do not exercise continuously, so their physical condition decreases. Moreover, their visibility is reduced by the time they are exposed in front of TV. When competitors spend a lot of time playing interactive games, their eyesight is damaged. So, as a result, they might need glasses .
Besides that, playing video games can make them addicted. They will feel addicted to playing video games for every day until they forgot to do their homework. As the result, they was not finish their homework that given by the teacher andfeel sleepy at the school because play vido games until morning. Addition, they also cannot focus to their study because addicted to play the video games. In the times to study, their playing video games. Impact, their study will become degenerated.
Moreover, some video games teach kids the wrong values.For example, there are some video games that gamers have to be violent behavior, vengeance and aggression if want to get a rewarded. So, teenagers and child will be exposed to the bad behaviour  in their life.
In the conclusion, playing video games give many harm than given a advantage to teenager and child. Therefore, parents should take cognizance of the activities of their children so that children are not addicted in playing video games.

Sheda Sheda
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Video Games
Video games are one of the most popular games in this era. Most of the teenagers nowadays will play video games and make it as their hobby. As for me, playing video games is a bad habit because it can cause many bad effects.
One of the bade effects is video games will make teenagers or adults become unhealthy. This is due to the players will keep playing the game until they have finished playing it. They will forget about their lunch or dinner. Sometimes they eat simple snack as their lunch or dinner. They will be not healthy and fall sick.
On the other hand, playing video games also can waste so much of our time. The players will keep on playing until they win or satisfied. If not, they will repeat the games until they get what they want. They will be so addicted and forget about other things. This is not good at all. If they do not play video games, they can do many other beneficial things, like reading.

Written by,
Mohammad Farhan Farhani Sarif
SMK A.Munsyi
  Video Games : Good or bad
  Video games are the most popular game in this globalisation era. It is because the time for us to spend in our life will become more shorter due to the job that we must do. Playing video game is good for us.
   First, video game is good because by playing videogame, one can become very alerts. The minds are open and always think fast. It can be prove when the man who always play video game, they can easily do mathematics than the woman. Moreover, when the people play video game, it can decrease their tension and release their stress.
   Besides, video games can help students to learn some communication skills or language skills. A lot of video game was provide with europhian language like Britain, United States, Russia and the others. When we play video game, for sure we can learns this new language. Moreover we can improve our understanding and communication in the certain language.
   Plus video game can also help to distress or release our tension. For Primary and Secondary student, 24 hours with the books will make them feel to stress and bored. So, with this video game, they can release their tension and the same time, they can built their self-confidence after playing those video games.
   In the conclusion, playing video game brings a lot of benefit. It can release our tension and the same time, it will make us happy with our life.

Written By,
S. Niranjini
SMK Abdullah Munsyi
Video Games : Good or bad
   Video games is something that had been used for people to play a lot of games. It is not too good for people. It got a lot of negative effects for people.
   Video games is bad because it is addicted. The meaning of addicted in video games is people keep on playing the games until they does not care about their health. They will fall sick because they does not eat and sleep according time.
   Playing video games will only wasting our time. It is because people keep on playing the video games no matter what the time is. They will waste their time because it cannot provide benefit to them. They will just forget to do their homework and so on.
   Moreover, video games also will distract our mind. This is not good because when our mind get distracted, we cannot focus on doing our work.
   As a conclusion, video games does not bring any benefit to our life. We should not spend too much time on video games.  
Wriiten by,
Video Games : Good or Bad
  Video games are the most popular game in this globalisation era. It is because the time for us to spend in our life will become more shorter due to the job that we must do. Playing video game is good for us.
   First, video game is good because by playing videogame, one can become very alerts. The minds are open and always think fast. It can be prove when the man who always play video game, they can easily do mathematics than the woman. Moreover, when the people play video game, it can decrease their tension and release their stress.
   Besides, video games can help students to learn some communication skills or language skills. A lot of video game was provide with europhian language like Britain, United States, Russia and the others. When we play video game, for sure we can learns this new language. Moreover we can improve our understanding and communication in the certain language.
   Plus video game can also help to distress or release our tension. For Primary and Secondary student, 24 hours with the books will make them feel to stress and bored. So, with this video game, they can release their tension and the same time, they can built their self-confidence after playing those video games.
   In the conclusion, playing video game brings a lot of benefit. It can release our tension and the same time, it will make us happy with our life.
Azwani Bt Sulaiman
From SMK Abdullah Munsyi

Video games are Good Video game is the most popular game in today’s era. Many teenagers are excited to play video games. Video games can cause positive and negative effects in our daily life. In my opinion, I think video games can give us many benefits.

The benefits that we can get from playing video games are making one to become very alert and aggressive. This can cause teenager’s mind to be strong and they can think fast.

Furthermore, playing video games can help stimulate teenagers to communicate better. They can improve their communication skills and language skills. If they play online video games, they can improve their language skills.

On the other hand, video games also can help teenagers to release their stress or tension. This is because playing video games can make a person enjoy and forget about his problems. By playing video games they feel happy and so they do not feel sad about their problem at all.

As a conclusion, video games give a lot of benefits to humans and help them to forget about their problems. Playing video games can be a very good hobby.

Written by,

Nur Aqidah Anuar

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad

I partially agree that video games are bad for teenagers. It is because video games can cause teenagers to become worse. Teenagers will stay at home without going out to meet or communicate with other people. Then, it is also not good fpr their health and brain because these games can make them forget to eat proper meals. Their focus is only on these video games.

Teenagers tend to be addicted until they forget everything such as eat, pray and enjoy. Besides, they will be all alone and they do not communicate well with other people in the communities.

I conclude by saying that video games can make teenagers lose focus in their study and health. Playing video games have more negative effects on them.

Written by,

Noor Aisyah
Playing Video Games: Good or Bad

Nowadays, there is the banning on the sale of violent video games to minors. The dispute is over whether it is a violation of free speech to ban them. But the issue is really about public health .The health of those who play and the health of everyone they encounter. In my opinion I think video games are punctually good and have benefit. Certainly it is good for children to play in fact, kids are not getting enough free play today, leading to high rates of diminished social capacities. They learn many things through play, especially friendly rough-and-tumble play which helps the brain develop in multiple ways including building social competence. 
               Some people argue that activities like video game play that on face value seem to be bad for you are really good for you. Playing video games is different from playing positive, constructive games. In fact, video games have an even more powerful influence than television and movies, whose detrimental effects have been documented for years. While violent videogames may promote some complex problem solving and coordination skills as well, they have many negative effects. Here are three related to moral functioning. First, in violent video game play the player learns to associate violence with pleasure rewards for hurting another character. This undermines moral sensitivity. Under normal conditions, human emotional wiring is designed to abhor violence and feel rewarded for helping others. Those who play violent video games build opposite intuitions that they take into the rest of life.
                 Besides that, children practice over and over the actions available in a game. The player practices violent behavior hundreds if not thousands of times, much more practice than normal activities receive. Whatever a person practices repeatedly becomes an automatic response. Violent games teach children how to behave like a criminal and to intentionally hurt others.
              Moreover, video games can be additive because they give immediate rewards for learning. Child and adolescent brains are typically susceptible to addictions as their brains are under development till the middle 20s. Recent brain research is suggesting that any addictive behaviour. So, less empathy, pleasure in the pain of others, well practiced criminal behavior, decreased capacity for mature decision making. These are just a few of the potential side effects of violent video game play. This kind of moral character is far from the character of our foraging ancestors who were presumably avoidant of violence, cooperative and intelligent.
           Besides that, violent media should be considered a health risk as great as tobacco use actually, the effects are stronger for the media. And society should have a say about the availability of violent media. It is unfair to put the policing of media products onto the backs of parents when there are so many toxic elements caused by humans to monitor in a child's life today food, air, water, soil, toys, personal products and parents do not receive the information they need to help make decisions. Parents could spend all the time being body guards of their children's every move because of the endless onslaught of harmful products and media.
                 To conclude, I must admit that I am  biased towards virtue development and peaceful coexistence. Violent media do not typically lead to moral virtue or peacefulness because even just watching you are practicing through mirror neurons the opposite. Violent media can have enormous effects on brain and psyche, including delayed long term effects.

Playing Video Games

Nowadays, video  games  are something  which be interested  for generation  people.However, video  games also  have good and bad to now generation.The generation  must using the technology  with good.
Video game can help a person to void stress. A video game can  make happy for a people. The video game can teach people more about life. Virtual pet games, for example, can help teach people about what is involved in raising a pet. Next, video games can inprove the barin function. Video games have been shown to help us improve our ability to reason and solve problems, make split-second decisions, process information much more quickly, and multitask effectively.
They also improve hand-eye coordination and boost auditory perception.Video games   kids learn many thing to student or children .Some  people say  that kids’s which are like playing video games  are be a better student  from  other student at school.Therefore that, the student  also briliat and execellet in class that too have good idea to solving any problem and challenges. Most games improve hand-eye co-ordination. It is reported that games that require players to respond to some situation within a couple of seconds, further reduce player’s reaction time. Examples of such games are Need For Speed and some FPS (first person shooter) games.Games also assert positive influence on creativity.
Although video games have a lot of benefits both in short and long term. But, like everything else, being addicted to playing video games can have adverse side-effects. Sitting in front of a computer or game console and gaming for prolonged hours is an unhealthy behavior that could lead to many problems, such as Playing video games with no or minimum physical movements may lead to obesity. So, next time you’re having coke while shooting your enemy’s head off, don’t forget to run on your treadmill to digest that excess sugar.Some games are not suitable to children, such as first person shooters or role playing games. One shouldn’t play those games in the presence of a child.It is also shown that people who just play violent video games, show a propensity for violence in real life.    
Besides that, video game can detrimental effect have be documented for decades . When playing video game  the student can less concentred  in lesson  at the class and they also can wate the time with not good matter.Student also easy to tired when playing video game long time.
                     In conclusion, video  games have more detrimental effects for people. When a person like to  
           play the video games that can more abses so student must avoid  the video game .The will not
           focused with the job, gived a bad attitude for them.

           Written by,
           Nur Afiqah
           SMK Abdullah Munsyi 

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?

       As everyone know playing video games is either good or bad is still a question with arguments. A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Although some of the people especially teenagers think that playing video games is giving advantages and disadvantages .I agree with this statement that video games will give good and bad effects..
      There is also a good side of the video games. Through playing video games, you can learn to be more socialized. Some video games which are massively multiplayer online role playing game requires teams to complete a task. From that, players will befriend the other players so that they can easily form a team. Besides, in there is a chat box in the game too. All the players will have chances to interact to each other.
      Children can benefit from video games. Children with an inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence are seen to be gaining help from playing video games. Video games have also been included in the therapy for children with such psychological problems. In playing video games, a child gets a sense of participation, a sense of achievement, thus building his/her self-confidence. Children, after playing video games begin to feel excited about their lives, they start feeling positive and enthusiastic. This enables them to defeat their psychological disorders to a certain extent. A lonely child can acquire social presence after becoming a fan of video games.
      Video games and computer games are known to improve hand-eye co-ordination. A player has to watch on screen while simultaneously operating the joystick of the device in his or her hand to make moves. This requires the player to be alert and well-coordinated. Moreover, he or she can see his actions taking effect immediately, thus getting a first-hand experience of his/her actions taking effect
      There are also disadvantages of video games. Video games can also have some very important effects on family relationships, and deserve to be thought of as something that can and should to be played together. Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations.
        Playing too much video games can also slow down teenagers studies. This is probably because they do not arrange their leisure time well to complete every work they have. However, this is not only happen in teenagers but workers too, they start sitting infront of the computer access to Internet after their working hours and continue to their games. Some of the teenagers do not have a computer, so they are willing to go to the Internet's cafe and spend time but also do not want to do their homework. This same goes to the young adults.
      One of the most common health issues that is faced by most individuals, adults and children alike, addicted to playing video games is obesity. Addicted gamers often face this problem because they tend to sit in one place for a long time and hence their body practically misses out on any kind of physical activity. Being overweight may increase the risk of developing other ailments in the long run such as high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and so on.
      Playing video games for long hours at a stretch may also hamper an individual's sleep thus leading to the development of insomnia. This may further result in drowsiness and hypoactive immune system..Back pains are also commonly experienced by gaming addicts since they sit in one place and in one position for long hours. Although these might seem to be minor ailments in the beginning, they may have much deeper implications as the addiction progresses.
    In conclusion, video games bring disadvantages more than advantage. Reduce your time in playing video games will improve your work performance, health, and build up a health character.
Written By,
Vishanthini A/P Nagarajan
SMK Abdullah Munshi 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Good and Bad of video games

Video Games, Good or Bad

Several people can argue computer or video games are bad for children because such games provide you an aggressive thoughts, on the other hand many says that these games are good because they give you with a way to express your feelings. The reason a view can be developed either way is due to there is no accurate answer. It has been confirmed that these games enhance people’s ability to develop and implement multiple strategies, and assist build up techniques of critical analyzing. I am in favor of video games because it improves are brain.

For a little bit now, it has been one of those “recognized facts” that playing these games enhances the coordination of hand and eye, much to the concerns of parents trying to convert family members that their obsessive gaming has no redeeming value. According to a research that carried out at the “University of Rochester”, playing video games that are full of action also enhances the people’s capability to take accurate and proper decisions more rapidly (OECD, 2007, 70-73). Ironically, an act that comprises sitting on the couch assists people to conceive on their feet. In my view video games give a great fun and social form of amusement. These games support and promote collaborative and teamwork.
After playing these video games, children feel comfortable with latest technology. Video games also enhance the self-esteem and selfconfidence of children as they master games.

In the modern researchers’ studies and experiments, it has been confirmed that technical and productive games enhance the logical area of mind or brain with the enhancement in the creativity. There are lots of games which have dreflexes and observations. Moreover, in the era of advance networking, there are a lots of video
games which are increasing social networking of youngsters through playing a single games
online. These online games increasing the team sprit therefore, it is not wrong to say that these team sprit enhancement video games can play a significant role in the professional or future life of their players.
Another facet of these video games that many people think is its bad consequences that
they bring to children. The major effect is the aggression and violence they hold. Many people also says that kids and adults who play more aggressive video games are more probable to have heightened their aggressive and hard line notions, attitudes and behaviors (Goldstein, 2005, 147- 152). People think that playing these games too much makes children detached from their family, friends, and community, as well as neglected their educations. Moreover, children can learn vulgar language and manners from other kids at the time of playing with them. I chose this topic because I think many people think that video games are so bad, and it develops the violent behaviors in people mainly in children, but I want to convince these people that latest technologies in games enhance the mental ability in children.

Video games also increase the awareness and importance of of gaols. In integrated
working goals should be specific and in integrated working work should be assigned to different members according to their capability. In integrated working different members have different strengths which they bring to gather while performing a group task(s).
Integrated working improves communication; it is not merely regarding exchanging
information- it is about desires, hopes, feelings and ideas, we determine this when we
communicate with individuals we respect and trust.

The mental effects of these video games are no above than that of going to watch a film or eating a chocolate. It is always said that that they are contaminating the growing youth; with proper directions and well strength of mind there is no matter with playing 30 minutes some video games. However, it has also been shown that the extra time gamers spend enjoying these games can be employed for more constructive, creative, and productive tasks.
            In conclusion, there are pros and cons in playing video games. We must know how to differentiate it clearly by ourselves so that we will go the positive path in video games and not the negative part of it.

By Loo Ji Yong

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Playing Video Games by Loh Wei Shan

                The good and bad effects of children playing video games always a hot topic discussed by people. Some children turn into bad habits with their homework because most of their time occupied by playing video games. That’s why most of the parent not allows their kids play with video games.  In my point of view, I disagree with children plays video games.
                Let’s talk about the bad effect of playing video games. A 2001 study found that exposure to violent video games correlates with at least a temporary increase in aggression and a decrease in prosocial behavior. This is a serious problem brought by video games. Former military psychologist and moral reformer David Grossman argues that because the military uses games in training, the generation of young people who play such games are similarly being brutalized and conditioned to be aggressive in their everyday social interactions. Children who are still not enough mature cannot differentiate good and bad. If they waste most of their time in playing video games, they are affected by the content in video games easily.  Besides, children are tend to become insensitive and cold towards other people.
                Furthermore, playing video games surely affect the academic result of the children, as the pay more effort in playing video games rather than studying.  Study is one of the responsibilities of a child, they should study hard to have a bright future. Play with video games does not bring any benefits to their career in the future. Gaming can be very addictive and just leave a little time for them in learning. Thus, playing video games are not meaningful at all.
                Moreover, another consequence brought by playing video games is the negative health effect. Children who addicted with video games always stay in the their room or cyber café, instead of going for exercise or other outdoor activities. This may cause obesity as they just sit in front of the computer and does not do any physical activity. Not only obesity, those who play video games for a long period may suffer an eye problem as they use too much time to stare at the screen of computer. In a study conducted in 2011 in Karachi, Pakistan, an experienced gamers have lower heart rates compared to others.
                Although there are a lot of consequences of playing video games, there are some potential pros by video games. Video games can test a child’s brain. A lot of games need good solving problem abilities to successfully complete a game. Sometimes, this kind of skill cannot learnt from real life of a child or even in school. This might help in their life in the future.
                In the nutshell, it is not necessary to stop children from playing video games but it is needed to control by parents. Use a little time in playing video games might bring some benefits to children, but not addictive in playing video games.
Loh Wei Shan, group 8
SMJK Heng Ee

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad??

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad??

Children playing video games is either good or bad is still a question with arguments. A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Although some of the people especially teenagers think that playing video games is beneficial, I think that video games brings a lot disadvantage.
First of all,video games will led to an epidemic of youth violence.According to crime statistics, the rate of juvenile violent crime is at a 30-year low. Researchers find that people serving time for violent crimes typically consume less media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population.  The moral panic over violent video games is doubly harmful. It has led adult authorities to be more suspicious and hostile to many kids who already feel cut off from the system. It also misdirects energy away from eliminating the actual causes of youth violence and allows problems to continue to fester.
Next, video games may lead to aggressive behavior.  While playing violent video games leads to violent actions, there are also biological influences that impact a person's choices. According to Sean P. Neubert of Rochester Institute of Technology, a person who is biologically predisposed to aggression will be more strongly influenced by violent scenes and thus will have a greater risk for carrying out destructive actions. They will become frustrated easily and impatient when they can’t complete the task required in the game after a few trials.
Then, video games will also bring to addiction. Video game addiction is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from family and friends or from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events. They will also forget about their daily routines, such as bathing and eating due to too much focus on the video games.
However, there is also a good side of the video games. Through playing video games, you can learn to be more socialized. Some video games which are massively multiplayer online role playing game requires teams to complete a task. From that, players will befriend the other players so that they can easily form a team. Besides, in there is a chat box in the game too. All the players will have chances to interact to each other.
In a nut shell, I strongly think that playing video games is non-beneficial to us. We can play video games for entertaining ourselves, but not to be addicted to it and be influenced by negative issues such as violence.

Written By:

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad

           First of all, video games can be addictive, Addiction is defined as "The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something."† Anyone who has really been into video games has experienced this. Kids and adults alike think about getting home and playing games. They also spend a great deal of time reading gaming magazines, participating in online gaming forums, looking for future game releases, and of course, spending countless hours playing games. When they aren't doing any of these things, they're wishing they were.
Besides , video games are very expensive, It cost a lot of money to stay current with the latest video games and hardware (console and/or computer). Many gamers spend all of their money on gaming. For example, it's not uncommon for a gamer to have 50-100 games that cost $40-$50 each. They also often have at least 2 different game consoles and 1 high-end PC. This can easily add up to thousands of dollars a year to maintain a typical gamer's habits.
There's often a direct correlation with the amount of time spent playing video games, and the amount of time spent engaging in a quality relationship. In the most extreme example I could find, there was a couple that was so consumed with playing video games that they ended up neglecting their 3 children — to the point that they were malnourished, naked, and covered in their own feces. Although that's an extreme case, I still think there's something to be said about people who spend the majority of their free time playing video games. My guess is that they're probably not dating or pursuing a meaningful relationship in their free time.
Video games can be distracting too, Avid gamers are similar to people who smoke a lot of marijuana — in that they don't get much done. Reading a good book, taking care of bills, writing an article, inventing something, mowing the lawn, etc... are simply not a priority when it comes to getting to the next level or finishing a game. Many gamers have things they would like to do in life, but they never get around to it, because they spend so much of their time playing games. Then, when they do have time to work on one of their projects, they're too tired to do it, because they stayed up till 3am playing a game.
Finally, video games can rob you of real life. Instead of taking a trip, mountain biking, or hanging out with friends at a cafe, gamer's spend their time in a virtual reality. Whereas real life experiences bear long lasting friendships and memories, videos games do not. The only pictures that come from video games are screenshots, and the memories that are created from playing those games are ultimately meaningless. Living means interacting, growing, learning, teaching, and loving — none of which can be accomplished in the virtual wasteland of video games. In other words, the advantages of playing game is more than the advantages…

Written by
Koon Wang
SMJK Heng Ee

 Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?
        From the Oxford dictionary, video games is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. Video games are fast becoming one of the most popular media choice among children and young adults. As with many new media enjoyed by youth, but relatively unused by elders, myriad responses may be witnessed, ranging from curiosity and wonder to fear and concern Video games have come a long way since today's adults sat down at a computer to play Pong or Donkey Kong. The newest-generation gaming consoles are as powerful as personal computers, and can accomplish many of the same things. And today's games are increasingly
 realistic and technologically advanced.   
        Video games can also have some very important effects on family relationships, and deserve to be thought of as something that can – and should – be played together. Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations. Consider a title like hip-wiggling simulation Just Dance, which can have young kids dancing alongside their grandparents.
           Besides that, future career choices for today’s tots will no doubt be influenced by technology in a way that is difficult for many parents to imagine too. Skills learned and honed playing home console and video games, as well as mobile gaming apps, will undoubtedly be very valuable to students in the workforce of 2025. Games are increasingly being used to educate and instruct workers around the globe by governments, trade bodies and the world’s largest corporations as well. In fact, a recent study by the Entertainment Software Association found that 70 percent of major domestic employers have utilized interactive software and games for training purposes, and nearly eight out of 10 plan on doing so by 2013.
            Additionally, playing video also help in building confidence. Even games that aren’t specifically designed to do so can still help kids feel a sense of achievement, based simply on the basic principles involved in what makes a good game. Through puzzles, exploration and discovery, players learn to succeed in ways that some researchers say our brains actually prefer. Most games are designed to introduce a concept, such as jumping, and then provide players with an opportunity to master it. Players are then free to explore and utilize and achieve success with this new skill, growing in self-confidence all the while.
              Every statement will also have its cons. I think that there will bring harm more than benefits if you are staying up all night and not sleeping. It could hurt your health and even your lack of sleep.Most of the disadvantages about video games are hurtful for your health. Video games can cause seizures, sometimes failing of vision, or less thought processing. Most video games can cause people to become obesity from not exercising often. The only reason you would become obese because some people eat junk food and drink soda while playing video games. When you do eat unhealthy and play video games non stop can cause you to become more obese from not exercising enough. I think video games can mainly hurt your health.
             In conclusion, as long as the parents check the games their children are playing for content and time, video games should be embraced as something that will enrich their children's lives, not consume it. Video games truly are one of the greater creations of humankind; it may just take a while for us to accept it.
Written by:
Derrick Ooi
SMJK Heng Ee

Monday, February 4, 2013

Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?

 Playing Video Games: Good or Bad?
        From the Oxford dictionary, video games is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. Video games are fast becoming one of the most popular media choice among children and young adults. As with many new media enjoyed by youth, but relatively unused by elders, myriad responses may be witnessed, ranging from curiosity and wonder to fear and concern Video games have come a long way since today's adults sat down at a computer to play Pong or Donkey Kong. The newest-generation gaming consoles are as powerful as personal computers, and can accomplish many of the same things. And today's games are increasingly
 realistic and technologically advanced.   
        Video games can also have some very important effects on family relationships, and deserve to be thought of as something that can – and should – be played together. Games with broad appeal that are easy to grasp can additionally help many families play together, and better bridge the gap between generations. Consider a title like hip-wiggling simulation Just Dance, which can have young kids dancing alongside their grandparents.
           Besides that, future career choices for today’s tots will no doubt be influenced by technology in a way that is difficult for many parents to imagine too. Skills learned and honed playing home console and video games, as well as mobile gaming apps, will undoubtedly be very valuable to students in the workforce of 2025. Games are increasingly being used to educate and instruct workers around the globe by governments, trade bodies and the world’s largest corporations as well. In fact, a recent study by the Entertainment Software Association found that 70 percent of major domestic employers have utilized interactive software and games for training purposes, and nearly eight out of 10 plan on doing so by 2013.
            Additionally, playing video also help in building confidence. Even games that aren’t specifically designed to do so can still help kids feel a sense of achievement, based simply on the basic principles involved in what makes a good game. Through puzzles, exploration and discovery, players learn to succeed in ways that some researchers say our brains actually prefer. Most games are designed to introduce a concept, such as jumping, and then provide players with an opportunity to master it. Players are then free to explore and utilize and achieve success with this new skill, growing in self-confidence all the while.
              Every statement will also have its cons. I think that there will bring harm more than benefits if you are staying up all night and not sleeping. It could hurt your health and even your lack of sleep.Most of the disadvantages about video games are hurtful for your health. Video games can cause seizures, sometimes failing of vision, or less thought processing. Most video games can cause people to become obesity from not exercising often. The only reason you would become obese because some people eat junk food and drink soda while playing video games. When you do eat unhealthy and play video games non stop can cause you to become more obese from not exercising enough. I think video games can mainly hurt your health.
             In conclusion, as long as the parents check the games their children are playing for content and time, video games should be embraced as something that will enrich their children's lives, not consume it. Video games truly are one of the greater creations of humankind; it may just take a while for us to accept it.

Group 3
Derrick Ooi Soon Jhern