Sunday, February 3, 2013

Playing video games: Good or Bad?

Playing video games: Good or Bad?

Nowadays, video games have become common things in life especially for teenagers. It is a form of entertainment. But everything in the would consist of both elements, pros and cons. It all depends on how you look at it. With this, a lot of people belief that video games give more disadvantages than advantages. This has been proof by experiment.

First and foremost, video games can be addictives to the player. Recent research has found that any addictive behavior can harm the final stage of brain development in young adult. In addition, the player would neglect their study or work if they overspent their time on playing video games. As result, their performance will get worse. So, playing video games can be a con if one misused it.

Next, playing video games for a long time will affect our health. Sitting on the chair and eyeing on the screen for a long period will cause a lot of problems to our body for examples headache, eyestrain, syndrome pain and numbness that u may feel in your hands, shoulders and elbows. Some of the player even skips their meals for playing games. Sitting with a same post for a long period will also affect our bone’s structure. As a result, playing video games without control will brings bad effect to our health.

Last but not least, video games do have ratings to indicate when they have violence, strong language, mature sexual themes, and other content that may be inappropriate for child. These things can affect the building of character of a child. Research has found that if a child has played a lot of violent video games, he or she will become violent. This is why some of the soldiers’ training indicates playing video games.

On the other hand, we cannot deny that video games give benefit. Playing video games can improve one hand-eye coordination and visual skills. The gamer will particularly good at spotting details in busy, confusing scenes and cope with more distractions than average. This will help the player to solve their problem in life with perfect skills.

In conclusion, video games bring disadvantages more than advantage. Reduce your time in playing video games will improve your work performance, health, and build up a health character.
by Teh Biying (Group 2)

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