Thursday, January 31, 2013

Playing video games, good or bad

Is playing video games good or bad? I believe many people have been arguing about this statement. Let us talk about it.
Video-gaming is indeed very addictive. A person developing a liking for it can go on and on with it for hours together, not even realizing the amount of time he has been spending on it. Gaming can also be extremely distracting. A person tends to lose interest in things he has been preoccupied with because the highly interactive video gaming interface tends to take control of his thought process as he gets involved. This has both positive as well as negative implications. In other words, video or computer games may have good as well as bad effects on the psyche of the individuals addicted to them. Positive impact of video games include development of qualities such as multitasking, quicker decision-making, teamwork and better response to challenges and risks. Games may also help people to develop better mathematical and analytical skills. But as the saying goes, 'there are two sides to every coin', despite the numerous positive effects that video games may have on an individual, some of the negatives of this technological innovation can prove to be extremely hazardous in the long-run. Given below are some of the negative and harmful effects that video gaming may have on an individual:

Addiction to video games hampers the health of an individual to a great extent. It is often very difficult to cure the ills that are caused by incessant gaming and hence trying not to get into such kinds of troubles as far as possible is the most advisable thing to do.

One of the most common health issues that is faced by most individuals, adults and children alike, addicted to playing video games is obesity. Addicted gamers often face this problem because they tend to sit in one place for a long time and hence their body practically misses out on any kind of physical activity. Being overweight may increase the risk of developing other ailments in the long run such as high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and so on.
Playing video games for long hours at a stretch may also hamper an individual's sleep thus leading to the development of insomnia. This may further result in drowsiness and hypoactive immune system.
Back pains are also commonly experienced by gaming addicts since they sit in one place and in one position for long hours. Although these might seem to be minor ailments in the beginning, they may have much deeper implications as the addiction progresses.
Playing video games for incredibly long hours tends to adversely affect the social behavior of an individual as well. Excessive gaming can develop certain traits which may have negative effects on an individual's all-round development.
Social isolation can be an immediate consequence of continuous and ceaseless gaming. People, especially children, tend to spend lesser time with their friends and others because they want to get back home/gaming place as fast as possible and continue playing. This makes them aloof from others and so in the long-run lack abilities of social communication and develop a kind of anthropophobia (fear of human company).
Children and teenagers may face confusion about reality and fiction. Due to the fact that addiction to video games may hamper their social life, the scope for them to mingle with other people and to experience the realities of the world becomes very limited. The consequence is that they end up believing that the real world is similar to the virtual world of the game they have been playing and hence, behave and interact in the same way as they do during gaming.
Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions.  Sometimes the player does this almost every second of the game giving the brain a real workout. According to researchers at the University of Rochester, led by Daphne Bavelier, a cognitive scientist, games simulating stressful events such as those found in battle or action games could be a training tool for real-world situations. The study suggests that playing action video games primes the brain to make quick decisions. Video games can be used to train soldiers and surgeons, according to the study.
In conclusion, it is shown that playing video games has more disadvantages than its advantages.  Hence, I strongly recommend all of you to stop playing video games and focus the important things in your life.
Written by, Adriane J
SMJK Heng Ee

Playing video games. Good or bad?

            With the technology today, we able to play varies video games from the internet for free, or even in the television with our latest invention of PS3. Tons of video games are invented every year and are enjoyed by many despite the age or even sex. For example, Dota, Mayple Stories, Diner dash. With the exquisite graphics and exciting story lines, many are amazed how lively it is for the game to appeal in front of our faces. However, all this ravishing things could lead us to advantageous and disadvantages.
            From my point of view, video games somehow may cause to addiction of a person, especially teenagers these days, there has been thousands and thousands of complaints from parents of how addicted the children are to the video games and rather to stick their faces to the computer than being outside exploring the world. Long term addiction of video games is almost similar to drug addiction; it’s tough for a person to rehabilitate the addiction. So, addiction to video games may lead the person to darkness as in living in their own world of video games without socializing with the people around them. If one day they realize that they have to snap out of the addiction, it’s going to be very tough for them as they have quarantine themselves for too long until they have loss the knowledge of life or even, how to live their life in the future.
            Long term addiction of video games may also lead one to disaster in education. Usually teenagers who are addicted to video games neglect their education in school due to the long time gaming whole day. Without any revision or dedication to study means they maybe lead to jobless in the future. This is what worries the parents most as every parents just want their children to be someone useful to the society, even just being a normal employee in a factory is a kind of relief to them.
            Besides that,  playing video games may lead us to unhealthy lifestyle. This is due to long term being beside the computer or any kind of technology, radiation sent out from these technology are very harmful to the body. It could be fatal as well as in leading us to cancer of any kind. What will you do when you’re playing your video games? But of course, sit down all day long with your fingers moving only. Without exercises, it may lead to obesity, if you are obese, it will lead you to diabetes, as well as heart attack, hyper tension or any kind of sickness you can think of when you are obese. So, it’s very bad for us to not exercise and feel the fresh air outside with the sun shining.
            All these disadvantages are terrifying, however there are advantages, some of the games are good to human being. Action games or detecting games may stimulate ones reflexes, for me, I love to play some brain storming games and action games, as it improves my observations and reflexes as maybe it could help me some techniques in studying and life. Besides that, playing video games is a good way to release stress as we live in this hectic world.
            In a nutshell, there are pros and cons in everything. But with proper adjustment in time, video games can be enjoyable to everyone.

Group 8
Name : Soon Hui Sing

          Group 10

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Online Games
          Today people can enjoy many kinds of amusements which include playing sports, shopping, going camping or playing online games. Online games are now liked by most of the people and are now growing fast in part of the internet based industries. Many people can play these online games together in a network. There are many free online games available on the net that can be downloaded easily. As these are open for public to try and have fun.
One of the most obvious benefits that online games bring to the players is that it is much more convenient than traditional ones. After a working day at the office or at school, people do not need to go anywhere to entertain or play some games because they can enjoy many interesting games via their computers connected to the internet. They can just sit at one certain place without needing to move even a single limb to enjoy the game and entertain your selves.
For playing online games, there is no need to care about the setup and cleanup required for playing. Additionally, the player has the benefit to play alone or with other online players depending on options that are easier than occasionally playing traditional games. Every traditional game cannot be definitely played by a single person and many need involvement of more people. In addition, online games are less costly to play as compared to other games; some games can be totally free of cost.
One can also benefit  from online games just by attempting to clear a stage or a level. Some of the games require brainstorming such as a puzzle online game that needs the players to think of certain ways on how to solve a puzzle. Through that, I think that a person could gain an increase in his or her IQ level which will really benefit in the future. As IQ is important these days to work your way through the upper corporate level.
However, sometimes children play too many video games. This is time consuming and can have an affect on their social and academic life. Also, it can be expensive to buy the consoles and also the actual games. Furthermore, some games can be aggressive and violent which can have an effect on someone’s behaviour. There are a lot of games that are for 18 year olds however, children may still play them. This can seriously effect the way the child behaves and speaks. That child may also suffer from depression after a long period of just sitting closed in front of a pc.
In conclusion, online games can alter the way people spend their leisurely time positively or negatively depending on whether the players have enough self control or not. Being fully aware of the benefits and drawbacks of online games, the players can maximize their advantages and avoid the addiction.

Written By
Members of Group 10
SMJK(C) Heng Ee

What are the effect of playing video games to children?

                The good and bad effects of children playing video games always a hot topic discussed by people. Some children turn into bad habits with their homework because most of their time occupied by playing video games. That’s why most of the parent not allows their kids play with video games.  In my point of view, I disagree with children plays video games.
                Let’s talk about the bad effect of playing video games. A 2001 study found that exposure to violent video games correlates with at least a temporary increase in aggression and a decrease in prosocial behavior. This is a serious problem brought by video games. Former military psychologist and moral reformer David Grossman argues that because the military uses games in training, the generation of young people who play such games are similarly being brutalized and conditioned to be aggressive in their everyday social interactions. Children who are still not enough mature cannot differentiate good and bad. If they waste most of their time in playing video games, they are affected by the content in video games easily.  Besides, children are tend to become insensitive and cold towards other people.
                Furthermore, playing video games surely affect the academic result of the children, as the pay more effort in playing video games rather than studying.  Study is one of the responsibilities of a child, they should study hard to have a bright future. Play with video games does not bring any benefits to their career in the future. Gaming can be very addictive and just leave a little time for them in learning. Thus, playing video games are not meaningful at all.
                Moreover, another consequence brought by playing video games is the negative health effect. Children who addicted with video games always stay in the their room or cyber café, instead of going for exercise or other outdoor activities. This may cause obesity as they just sit in front of the computer and does not do any physical activity. Not only obesity, those who play video games for a long period may suffer an eye problem as they use too much time to stare at the screen of computer. In a study conducted in 2011 in Karachi, Pakistan, an experienced gamers have lower heart rates compared to others.
                Although there are a lot of consequences of playing video games, there are some potential pros by video games. Video games can test a child’s brain. A lot of games need good solving problem abilities to successfully complete a game. Sometimes, this kind of skill cannot learnt from real life of a child or even in school. This might help in their life in the future.
                In the nutshell, it is not necessary to stop children from playing video games but it is needed to control by parents. Use a little time in playing video games might bring some benefits to children, but not addictive in playing video games.
                                                                                                                                                Loh Wei Shan, group 8



Thanks to the new and improve world we have here in the 21st century, there is no doubt that the we are showered by the wonders of technology and its application. The most common one is application is non-other that the vast variety of video games to venture in. However ,the existence of this game have been a pain in the neck for the nation .So, what are the points or factor that make playing video games being categories  as bad?

     For starters, the most common reason that most people complain about video game especially parents is that their child is addicted to it. There is no doubt that the games played are  really addictive because when you start playing there will be a goal for you to reach and based on human instinct you will surely strive hard to achieve that goal. After you succeed you will feel happy and confident, this will make you continue challenging your limits and that’s how you ended up glue on to the desktop.

Next reason is that it is very time consuming when you play and you won’t know that once you settle down you will waste at least two hours on playing that particular game or level. Time pass by fast when you are focus or having fun. Obviously, when you are playing you are mostly having fun and focusing because there is no games in the world, the fun kind that do not need you ultimate focus, so when you combine both of these factors there will definitely be no return.
The games that are mostly popular or trilling to play all share a common secret that can make there a game popular that is by putting a dash of violence .Violence in the game can consist of eerie or bloody high definition graphic that can make the gamer feel more realistic when he or she is killing virtually .This can actually deteriorates the mind of the gamers especially the youth. To give an example ,the mass shooting incident that have repeated more than once in the America clearly portrays the virtual violence can be brought in to reality if precaution or restriction is ignored.

   However, we still cannot deny that video games have brought joy to many in the world and defeated boredom for some people. The existence of video games provide us new experience like getting a feel on what is like on the battle field or when you’re on a mission to assassinate someone. The chance of having tried out dangerous jobs virtually can increase your general knowledge on that particular job and you will be grateful that those jobs exist in reality          to protect you.

    Generally based on my opinion, I strongly disagree on playing video game because it brings more cons that pros to us and is a fact that video games will always be a parasite in our daily life if not getting rid of.

                                                                                                                                            Ng Pei Nee
                                                                                                                                              (Group 8)

Effect of video game

Is playing video games good or bad for you?  I totally agree that there are more advantages than disadvantages of playing video games.
Some video games teach kids the wrong values.  Violent behavior, vengeance and aggression are rewarded.  Negotiating and other nonviolent solutions are often not options.  Women are often portrayed as weaker characters that are helpless or sexually provocative.  
Games can confuse reality and fantasy.
Academic  achievement may be negatively related to over-all time spent playing video games. Studies have shown that the more time a kid spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. Studies shown that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Other studies show that many game players routinely skip their homework to play games, and many students admitted that their video game habits are often responsible for poor school grades. 
Although some studies suggest that playing video games enhances a child’s concentration, other studies, such as a 2012 paper published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture, have found that games can hurt and help children's attention issues — improving the ability to concentrate in short bursts but damaging long-term concentration.
Besides the good sides of playing video games, video games may also have bad effects on some children’s health, including obesity, video-induced seizures. and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, carpal tunnel syndrome.
When playing online, your kid can pick up bad language and behavior from other people, and may make your kid vulnerable to online dangers.
A study by the Minneapolis-based National Institute for Media and the Family suggests that video games can be addictive for kids, and that the kids' addiction to video games increases their depression and anxiety levels. Addicted kids also exhibit social phobias. Not surprisingly, kids addicted to video games see their school performance suffer.
Kids spending too much time playing video games may exhibit impulsive behavior and have attention problems. This is according to a new study published in the February 2012 issue of the Journal of Psychology and Popular Media Culture. For the study, attention problems were defined as difficulty engaging in or sustaining behavior to reach a goal.
               In a nutshell, it is undeniable to say that playing video games has more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, I strongly recommend all of you to play video games.

Written by, Mr Gooi Song Hean
SMJK Heng Ee

Advantages of playing video games

              A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Gaming both video and computer has become more than a fad, it is a part of life. First generation video game players have now become adult and carry their passion to adulthood. Parents and teachers worry about games having negative effects on children and a great deal has been written about games leading to violent behavior and addiction. However, all is not negative about gaming, studies by leading researchers have shown that video and computer games have many benefits.
                  It has been shown that action video game players have better hand-eye coordination and visuo-motor skills, such as their resistance to distraction, their sensitivity to information in the peripheral vision and their ability to count briefly presented objects, than nonplayers. Researchers found that such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with action games, involving challenges that switch attention between different locations, but not with games requiring concentration on single objects. It has been suggested by a few studies that online/offline video gaming can be used as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of different mental health concerns. To experience game, the player must first determine the objectives, as well as how to complete them. They must then learn the game controls and how the human-machine interface works, including menus and HUDs. Beyond such skills, which after some time become quite fundamental and are taken for granted by many gamers, video games are based upon the player navigating (and eventually mastering) a highly complex system with many variables. This requires a strong analytical ability, as well as flexibility and adaptability.

                     Indeed, most games require a great deal of patience and focus from the player, and, contrary to the popular perception that games provide instant gratification, games actually delay gratification far longer than other forms of entertainment such as film or even many books. Learning principles found in video games have been identified as possible techniques with which to reform the U.S. education system. It has been noticed that gamers adopt an attitude while playing that is of such high concentration, they do not realize they are learning, and that if the same attitude could be adopted at school, education would enjoy significant benefits. Students are found to be "learning by doing" while playing video games while fostering creative thinking.      

                             However,  there is also conflicting data that suggests video games have no real positive effect, or that they have negative effects on other aspects of cognition, such as attention span. Particularly, the issue with attention is that video games are meant to be engaging and addicting, as this will get the developers more sales. People without any real attention deficit will have an easier time playing video games for hours on end, while at the same time, show symptoms of a decline in attention when subjected to comparatively less engaging tasks, such as academics. Studies conducted in this fashion do not necessarily take into account possible "types" of attention used for video games, and those used in a school.

                  The world of gaming is constantly changing. The internet is replete with articles and tips written by experts on gaming, benefits, and disadvantages, it is important to be informed parents and game players. Read up on games and learn how to choose games that are beneficial. Know what your child is doing at all times. Place your trust in your child but ensure that he or she is able to gauge accurately right from wrong. Conclusively, I strongly agree that advantages of playing video games more than disadvantages.
Written by Michelle - Group 7


First of all , what is GAME ? A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a cathode ray tube (CRT) display device,but it now implies any type of display device that can produce two or three dimensional images. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously common, have gradually declined in use. Video games have gone on to become an art form and industry

While playing game, there are too much of thing can always harm you. This rule also applies to video games. Playing video games too often and for too long can harm you in more than one way. Many people argue that video games are ruining the lives of many children in today’s world. This is because they have no restrictions on what they play and how long they play it. Many video games these days include a lot of weaponry and, and an objective that involves killing or having to injure someone. Of course it would be terrible if a child killed someone in the real world, so why should killing them in the virtual world be any different? According to Violent Video Games (2010), “playing violent video games can make some adolescents more hostile, particularly those who are less agreeable, less conscientious and easily angered”.
The disadvantages that are so commonly packaged with the word “video game” only come out in a child with the excessive use of them. There are good and bad games, and good and bad ways to use them (Chatfield, 2010). Blake (2006) found that “When kids play these games and see their favorite character commit some type of violent action, they want to repeat it”. Another negative affect that video games have on children is that they can put a bad image of women into their heads. Blake (2006) discovered that, “Women are not usually used in video games, and when they are, their purpose is usually sex appeal”. This causes children to think of women as just good looking objects to have sexual relations with. Another disadvantage of video games is that it causes children to be isolated from the social world around them. Whenever they are at home the child will go straight to the gaming console or computer. Also, while they are at school or somewhere else outside of the house, all they can focus on is thinking about how they are going to beat that next level once they get home. According to Blake (2006), “It causes the student not to care about grades or learning and to want to stay as far away from the real world as possible because of how much the player likes the videogame world”. Video games can have many bad affects if not limited. It is crucial for parents to limit their children’s video game intake, in order to avoid the horrible affects that it causes.

However, there is also some advantages of Playing Video Games. Most people think that video games only cause the corruption of a child’s mind, and destruction of someone’s physical ability. However, playing video games can have many benefits. Video games require that the player can use a controller while looking at a television screen. According to Impact of Video Games on Children (n.d), “this causes the player to train their manual dexterity and can make it better”. Video games have been proven to be much better for you than watching television. Manali Oak (n.d) found that, “this is because video games are interactive; the player has to think a little bit and analyze the situation they are in”. Playing video games involves problem solving, planning, estimation and analysis of the moves or actions of both you and your opponent.
According to Manali Oak (n.d), “This affects the player positively by developing in him/her problem-solving skills, analytical and estimation skills and quick decision-making”. Video games can help you learn lifelong skills. One of these is resource management. Children might have to manage their time or things like armor. Doing this while focusing on the actual gameplay is what helps build resource management. Manali Oak (n.d) discovered that when you play video games, “you learn to recognize types of situations and react to them quickly”. Some children have social disorders where they lack self-confidence. Playing video games can actually be used in therapy for social disorders such as these. A child gets a sense of participation, a sense of achievement, thus building his/her self-confidence. Children, after playing video games begin to feel excited about their lives, they start feeling positive and enthusiastic. Manali Oak (n.d) found that, “this enables them to defeat their psychological disorders to a certain extent”.
As a conclusion, we should enable to control our time when doing something. Make sure that you are in the right road before you doing something. That’s all !Thanks !
written by L.Theng
Group 7

The effect of playing video Game

2003 study hypothesized that video game players possess increased attentional capacity, of which they found people who play video games regularly possess more attentional capacity than those who do not.They observed the differences in attention capacity in video game players compared to non video game players using the flanker compatibility task in which participants are briefly presented a shape  in one of 6 large rings. Participants were asked which of the two shapes appeared in one of the 6 rings, There were also relatively larger squares and diamonds outside of the circle that the 6 rings formed, as well as irrelevant shapes inside the actual rings that served as distractors. The difficulty of the task was increased with the distractors. Results for the task had shown that as the task became more difficult, the non video game players' ability to guess correctly had declined, while the video game players' ability remained relatively constant. However initially, the ability of non video game players were better. Still, not only were the video game players able to consistently find the right shape in the rings, they were also able to report some distractors even as their numbers increased. Therefore, it did not take complete attention to find the shape for video game players. Another task in this experiment was where participants were asked how many squares they were briefly presented with, with video game players being able to report 33% more squares than non video game players, with about 26% less error.

In the same study, non video game playing participants played Medal of Honor, a first person shooter for one hour for 10 consecutive days. Another group played Tetris, a game which they hypothesized required less attention, because one only needs to pay attention to one object. The participants were tested for attentional capacity with the flanker compatibility task and the enumeration task before and after 10 days of their group's video game. The participants who played the first person shooter showed better results, which shows that video games' abilities to improve attention depends on their genres, which determine how many objects one must pay attention to, with shooters having more of an effect. In fact, the Tetris game had shown no significant effect on attention in the study. Not only did the study support that action video game players have better attentional skills, it also demonstrated that one needs as little as 10 days to see an increase in performance as a product of video games.

 Coordination and Motor SkillsResearch supports the theories that people who play video games possess improved visual ability, higher reaction time on average, and enhanced motor skills.Studies have also demonstrated a reduction in attentional blink among video game players, increasing their ability to recognize more stimuli as they are presented in quick succession (as fast as blinks of the eye). Such findings are important because they infer that video games are sufficient enough of a supplement to the teaching of trades involving quick decision making and precise movement.

Research also supports the possibility of video game players having better hand-eye and motor coordination. Their ability to find targets regardless of distractors while at the same time pay attention to intricate details outside of their immediate vision (such as "hit points" at the corner of the screen) in the video games they play are perhaps the factors involved in increased cognitive ability.

 DebateThere is also conflicting data that suggests video games have no real positive effect, or that they have negative effects on other aspects of cognition, such as attention span. Particularly, the issue with attention is that video games are meant to be engaging and addicting, as this will get the developers more sales. People without any real attention deficit will have an easier time playing video games for hours on end, while at the same time, show symptoms of a decline in attention when subjected to comparatively less engaging tasks, such as academics. Studies conducted in this fashion do not necessarily take into account possible "types" of attention used for video games, and those used in a school.

However, a definitive attack on the theory that video games promote cognition is a study by Boot, Blakely and Simons,whose research suggests "action" video games - those that are fast-paced - have no significant effect on mental ability. They state that past studies have shown difficulty in the construction process of testable research designs used to determine positive cognitive effects of video games. Their own study puts more of an emphasis on non-video game players, and the importance of testing the effects of prolonged exposure of video games to people such as these, of which they have found no significant change.

People tested in past studies were established to be gamers, and if most of those people were labeled as gamers, and knew the study was about gamers, the distribution of their average cognitive processes would not vary. Studying non-gamers would directly demonstrate the true effects of video games on people in general. Otherwise, it is implied that video games are simply a hobby that people with above average cognitive ability tend to partake in. People with naturally better attentional skills decide to play video games because they are naturally better at them, while people who were not as successful avoided video games. This confound was noted in previous experiments, and was assessed by having non video game players develop skills in video games to see if video games themselves had any effect.

Boot's study, however, highlights the lack of improvement in non video game players: that regardless of whether video games had an effect, that the nature of test-retest procedures should yield better results the second time, but instead results typically remained constant. This will skew interpretations because the experimental group will seem that much better than the control. The study stresses that the cognitive benefits of video games are not ideally researched, costly, more elaborate research will need to be conducted, and that as it stands, video game players are inherently better at paying attention to details. It is necessary to use inexperienced video game players to gauge the effectiveness of video games on cognition
written by jane